GetPaletteDef Sub Action Gets a copy of the current internal chart palette. Syntax GetPaletteDef palc%(), pals%(), palp$(), palch%(), palb%() Remarks The GetPaletteDef procedure uses the following arguments. palc%() ------- A one-dimensional integer array of color numbers corresponding to the palette entries. pals%() ------- A one-dimensional integer array of line styles corresponding to the palette entries. palp$() ------- A one-dimensional string array of fill patterns corresponding to the palette entries. palch%() -------- A one-dimensional integer array of plot-character numbers corresponding to the palette entries. palb%() ------- A one-dimensional integer array of line styles used for drawing window borders and grid lines. Dimensions for each array should be declared from 0 to cPalLen, a constant found in the CHRTB.BI header file. Note that all palette arrays have a lower bound of 0 (not 1, which is used for data and category-string arrays). For more information on fill patterns, see the entries for PAINT and PALETTE in Part 1, "Language Reference."